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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

More Trickery and Disappointment

February 04, 2004 - 11:25 PM

    I start doing lights for the play Now, Then, Again this weekend. It could not come at a better time. I need my theatre friends because the regular crowd is bringing out the mean in me. The two main exceptions to this are Khara and Claire, but pretty much everyone else is getting on my nerves. Part of my problem is that I go out of my way to continue friendships with people I despise. Why in God's name do I care about Ophelia? All she does is piss me off, and it really is not her fault. It's mine. I should never read her livejournal again. I should never call her again. And what do I do? I keep reading! I keep calling! (Okay, that last one's a lie. I don't technically call her very often.) We have plans to see the movie Monster on Friday night. Why did I make these plans?

    I admit that it is weird for me to be so fascinated by this girl. I've known her for almost seven years, and yet I know so little about her. She reveals almost nothing, which is revealing in itself. Maybe it's the future psychologist in me, but I need to know what her deal is. She's not very helpful in this pursuit. There was a little game going around livejournal in which you asked your friends five questions of your choosing. She wanted me to interview her. I tried to come up with five telling questions without making it too obvious that I want to pry into her psyche. It didn't work out.

    I asked what would surprise me most about her. She replied, "I am extremely opinionated about many things involving injustice in the world and I am not afraid to speak up about it or do something about it if necessary. I'm not as quiet as most people think." Well, Ophelia, that's all well and good, but you really are as quiet as most people think. Even within a small group of friends, you keep quiet. And that's how people have come to the conclusion that you are quiet. If you were loud and opinionated, everyone would know. That's the nature of loud, opinionated people. And what's the deal with the injustice of the world thing? Since when do you do anything? You might as well add hypothetically before every other phrase.

    I, Brigid, am probably pure evil. Only a bad person would first try to con their friend into revealing something and then get angry when the responses weren't correct. I seriously cannot stand this girl. There's something about her that makes me severely dislike her.

    Anyway, I think I'm going to go watch Lost in Translation. I love this movie so much.

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