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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Wednesday morning

January 21, 2004 - 11:14 AM

    I'm killing time before my American Economy class. I should probably do homework or something, but this seems like a better idea.

    I woke up late today after having tons of weird dreams. I can't remember exactly what they were about, but it doesn't matter anyway. Dreams are only interesting to the one doing the dreaming. I like to think that I'm different, that somehow my dreams are cooler than everyone else's, but it simply is not the case.

    Anyway, I need to figure out my job situation. Should I get a job? I feel like I should get one, but part of me says forget it. I'm better off just focusing on school. Plus I'm terribly lazy. I love money though. It's basically a fight between laziness and greed.

    My brain is pathetic. I'm bored already. I already feel like quitting this journal entry. That's sad. Why am I like this? I've decided that I am different than other people. For example, I'm often late to class. Why don't my classmates have the same problem with punctuality? I arrive at school, and most people are already in their classes. What makes me so different? Me and those other, like, three people who arrive at 9:05 for their 9:00 classes? We must be programmed differently.

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