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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Bad Day At Work

June 26, 2002 - 12:29 AM

    Woe is me.

    I hate my stupid job. Tonight was horrible. Who knew that Tuesday night would be such a big deal at a video store? Apparently every moron with a gripe decided tonight would be the perfect night to come bitch to me about the store. There were several people who effectively said, "I'm never coming here again!" All because I can't rent to them until they pay their late fees. If they owe me $3, they have to pay it before they can rent another video. That's how it works. Some individuals get all upset. "I come here every week," they all say with a huff. Like it will make a difference to the computer--which is ancient--whether or not you usually return films on time. Gah.

    Then, as if the stupid customers weren't depressing enough, I accidentally tripped the alarm when I closed the store. I wonder of my boss will be upset tomorrow. It's so disappointing. I pray that the alarm is all right now. I don't want to bring down the wrath of Darren. He's really big and tall and scary looking. His wife Nancy is short and seems quite nice, but Darren is intimidating. They co-own the store, and sometimes Darren just stops by to check up on everything. His presence always unnerves me. Now I must suffer the added stress of being the girl who set off the alarm. The whole thing gives me a headache.

    I hate this job. I didn't hate it until today, but now I'm so very tired of it.

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