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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Four Things

November 24, 2003 - 11:54 PM

    I have so much to talk about, so I'll break it up into categories: work, theatre, school, and friends. You can choose to ignore whichever ones you want.


    I turned in my letter of resignation on Thursday. My parents offered to pay $500 of my Discover bill as a Christmas gift, which affords me to quit without completely panicking. I'm working there for the next two weeks, and then I'm done. It feels good.


    The Laramie Project is over. I came out of it with stronger friendships, so it was a positive experience. My director apparently still has no idea of my true nature. I really screwed up on Friday night. He came backstage and demanded that Sandy tell him who did it. When she said it was me, he immediately softened and said, "Oh. I can't yell at Brigid."

    Or so the story goes. He thinks I'm this nice, sweet girl. I almost feel bad about it. After all, I can be such a bitch.

    I'm going to run the lights for the play Now, Then, Again in February. I didn't try out because there's only one female part, and everyone thought Cynthia was going to get it. Instead Cathleen won the role, and I couldn't have been happier. I'm just glad I get to be a part of it. (Strangely enough, Cynthia's boyfriend Jeff did not get cast either. These two are staples of the theatre community, so it's odd.)


    I'm screeeeewed. Screwed. Screwed. I have so much to do and so very little time to do it.


    I haven't had much time lately, but I did get to see Buffy and Tess very briefly on Saturday night. I haven't been liking Buffy very much lately. It didn't help that all she ordered as Steak N Shake was water and left without even putting down a dollar for tip. Our bill was $1.47 (my Coke). I paid $5.00 total because I thought our waiter deserved a dollar from each of us for taking up his table and bringing the drinks. Tess didn't pay anything either, but I was slightly less annoyed with her because her voice isn't as annoying.

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