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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2001 - 10:37 PM

    I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Halloween!

    I rented The Exorcist and The Faculty (Jon!) and have yet to watch them, even as All Hallow's Eve draws to a close. Too much studying and report writing and Daily Show viewing. (Jon!) Anyway, I haven't trick or treated for the past three Halloweens, so it's always kind of weird. I wish someone had a big costume party or something, but nooo. I need cooler friends. Anyway, all I did was put on kitty cat ears with my regular jeans and t-shirt. I swear to God that guys love cat ears. All the high school boys that I gave candy to seemed to like them. So did the cute pizza delivery boy. It's all in the ears. They up your cuteness factor. Really.

    And my hopes are increasing with my Asian boy, who I will now refer to as Alex. We had those good conversations last week and today he purposely stuck around to talk to me after class. Sonia says he's shy. And so am I. So this could work out. I really like him. He's so cute... I just don't know what to do exactly. In a perfect world, he'd ask me out. The trouble is that the world is far from perfect... I'm too freaked to ask him out, get rejected, and feel weird around him. I know I'm being childish, but I can't help it.

    Speaking of childish, I was thinking about Lisa earlier. She can say the most irritating things. Like, I told her that I've always tended to watch shows with "Will they? Won't they?" characters. I wait around to see if they get together. Lisa said "That's very childish, but at least you admit it." What the hell is that? And maybe it's not the world's best reason to watch a show, but it must work because writers keep doing it! And advertisers keep playing it up! Tell the people at NBC what a childish idea it is and they'll laugh. Remember Ross and Rachel? Niles and Daphne? Mark and Susan? Doug and Carol? Ed and that girl on Ed? (And my favorite: Mulder and Scully.) It's a good formula, dammit.

    I should probably go study. :)

    Happy Halloween!!!

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