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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

One lengthy entry

August 17, 2003 - 8:49 PM

    I've been a little bit mad at the world today. I worked at the Quick Stop from eleven to six, and the customers were driving me crazy--a short drive. I'm glad I don't work there anymore, although going to Ben's office tomorrow doesn't sound much better. I can't wait to get my pay check. I'm sure that it will help immensely. I must make sure to work full days this week. I'll be able to pay off half my Discover bill in one week! That's so thrilling.

    Anyway, I haven't written anything since before I left for Indiana. I'll start with yesterday and move backwards.

    Saturday: I made plans to see Freddy Vs. Jason with Khara, who I haven't hung out with in quite a while. We did, and it was enjoyable in an old school horror movie way. It wasn't the slightest bit scary, was a little funny, and did a lot or recapping for the original movies, none of which I saw. After that, I went back to Khara's apartment. We were in the very early stages of deciding what to do when her roommate Kay came home.

    "Good. You're not doing anything," she said. "You're going cosmic bowling with us."

    I was immediately pissed off. I'm not the type of person who commands or demands respect, but I deserve to be acknowledged at the very least. The fact that she considered Khara hanging out with me "nothing" made me angry. She might as well have told me to f--- off. There was no way I was going bowling with her. (Besides, I was wearing a skirt.) After a flurry of commotion, I made my exit. Driving home, I kept thinking, What a bitch. Who does she think she is? She just demands that people drop everything and attend to her needs. Who does that? It's unfortunate because I was really feeling very neutral about her. Had she shown any niceness at all, I may have sucked it up and bowled in a skirt. I wondered if it would I should have, if only out of spite. My thought process jumped tracks: I'm sure she'd like nothing more than to get rid of me! I should have gone with them. That would have really made her mad. Then again, I'd be stuck bowling in a skirt. I'm very indecisive. After the period of indecision, my opinion usually becomes rock solid though, so it all evens out.

    Friday: I arrived back from Indiana and called my best friend Tess. Lovely, fabulous Tess. With my brightest, cheeriest tone, I asked her what she wanted to do.

    "I don't know," she said. "None of the movies look good."

    We read the theater list together, and Tess wouldn't see a single film. Even though I really wanted to see Uptown Girls, she didn't want to. Selfish, fickle Tess.

    "Well, we could, uh, go to a restaurant!" I said.

    Tess chose Dragon Light, a Chinese restaurant located somewhere near my old high school. I've only been there once, with Sonia and Josh last summer. I stared at the Chinese animal symbols on the place mat most of the time as the made out in front of me. (I'm a pig just like Ernest Hemingway.)

    First, I totally forgot where the restaurant was. It's not entirely viewable from the street I was driving on, and I passed it a few times. I was late already because I lost my cell phone, which I only found today. When I arrived, I was in a terrible mood. Then we had a terrible waiter, who wouldn't let me have chicken-fried rice and never offered me a refill on my Coke. Then Buffy arrived. Now, I was just thinking mere days before this how much I adored Buffy and how our friendship was so much better than it was just a year ago. That was until the Chinese restaurant, where she and Tess both drove me crazy.

    I can't remember why they were driving me crazy. They just were. So there.

    After we got done paying, and I ended up paying more than them for no good reason, we went to Buffy's house so she could change. Tess insisted that we all take one car to the mall. I was trapped. So we went to the mall and later went to Barnes and Noble, where I ran into one of my sworn enemies. (Not to be melodramatic or anything.) I've known her since second grade, and she was always a bitch. If you had asked me Thursday what I thought of her, I might have shrugged and said, "Oh, that was years ago." Seeing her on Friday night reminded me why I never liked her. That stupid, smug look of superiority. God.

    "Hi girls," she purred. I stared at her for a moment before mumbling some sort of greeting and walking away. Perhaps I was supposed to make small talk, but walking in the other direction seemed like a far better idea. This is the girl who, in eighth grade, pulled me aside to say, "I know you think you're more Irish than me, but you're not. You may have red hair and green eyes, but I'm just as Irish as you are." She cast me a menacing glare, daring me to argue, and when she was satisfied that I wasn't going to, she flounced off. I thought she was insane.

    She came to my grade school in second grade after her school was destroyed by a tornado. For years, she would tell everyone that she was tormented by my classmates and called Tornado Girl. No one ever called her that. That's the dumbest nickname ever. Even so, I'd still catch her telling this tale when we were in high school. She couldn't let go of this imagined injuistice. This girl's really nuts. It was right of me to turn and walk away. Of course, she probably thinks I snubbed her because she's not Irish enough and she's Tornado Girl or something.

    All was well after I found a nice copy of Esquire with Colin Farrell on the cover.

    Thursday: I was in Michigan City, Indiana. We went to Lighthouse Place, which has many outlet stores. My mom kind of lets us run wild there, buying whatever we want. It's a good chance to get a whole lot of stuff and put it on Mom's credit card. The only trouble was the gnats. They were really attracted to my sister's yellow shirt, so they were all over her. (I suggested she simply buy a new shirt, which she ended up doing.)

    Wednesday: We woke up early to drive to Indiana. I read the play Jake's Women by Neil Simon in the car. I'm definitely going to audition for it later this week. None of the parts are 100% perfect for me, but I think I can do it. I hope I can, anyway.

    We visited my great-aunt, the nun, at Notre Dame before going to Michigan City. She was really getting on my nerves. She's big on guilt trips. I'm not. I don't like to be manipulated. I tried my best to be nice, but I ended up ignoring her almost entirely. I'm sure she didn't notice. I had my two sisters, three cousins, aunt, mother, and grandma there to distract her.

    Even more disturbing, the Notre Dame bookshop has the worst frozen coffee drinks of all time. Maybe I've worked in a cigar shop too long, but they smelled like pipe tobacco. They tasted awful. I tried three flavors before giving up and pretending to enjoy my Mint Chocolate Chip Pipe Tobacco Coffee Drink. It was gross.

    Back to Sunday: Anyway, I feel better tonight. I watched Sex and the City, which always makes me feel good. I'm listening to the Red Hot Valentines and relaxing. Things aren't really all that bad after all.

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