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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

i tink i luv u

December 01, 2002 - 11:47 PM

    First of all, I'd like to share with you some e-mails that my little sister showed me. It's from her very drunk friend Brian to their mutual friend Anne:

    LOL bnoradfhurst fell and he cant gety up dude anne i like so much liets dfate really lol dan called me a hOMO f***ed im watred anee serouly ur beatufiful ur so breautifujl i love u dont even know f*** iu better remember to unsend this tomorrow rememind me F*** where my bathroom i ned to ghom to the bathroom i tyhin im gonna pass out. i thik i hjust tyhjrow up 3 thimes thrrice time thrice times more then tqwice times i throw up holys hit i like u so muihyc kl lets go out seriously i love u anne u dont undetrans

    Ten minutes later, he sent another e-mail:

    DUDE anne yunsend that email i didnt mean to tellmu i liked u unsend it seroously i think i called molly dfude anne im so wastyed watson is talking to molly serioously im not gonna remember this unsend it anne UNSEND THIS ANNE anne i dont want u to u know i like u this much anne unsend this really seriousloy i threw up 3 times F*** cameron and dan owe me 3 dollars anne i love vodka its m7 bnest friend besiudes u ur myu best friend we r best friend

    See, kids? This is why you shouldn't get completely drunk. You might find yourself sending an e-mail like this one.

    Back to my life... uh, nothing that special happened. Saturday afternoon I went out with Lisa. She wanted to go driving, and I suggested we go to the Starbucks in the grocery store. I ordered a peppermint mocha, which is my new favorite drink. We sat there for a few minutes.

    "Wanna go to the mall and make fun of stuff?" she asked.


    So we left and went to the mall, where we made fun of stuff. Later that night I went out with Tess and Buffy to Steak 'n Shake and a 9:40 showing of Solaris. We couldn't decide if we liked the film, but we all agreed that George Clooney is a very sexy man.

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