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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

sleep-deprived drivel

November 04, 2002 - 11:54 PM

    I feel really bad for slipping back into my bad habit of not writing. I blame it on the weekend.

    First of all, I didn't have to do the dreaded presentation on Thursday. Instead I must do it tomorrow. I'm really not any more prepared right now than I was Thursday. Damn.

    The weekend was spent in an academic manner. I had to go to a workshop on Psychology and Film, which focused on Borderline Personality Disorder. I'm now convinced my friend has BPD, but I can't very well go tell her that. It would explain some of her recent suicidal behaviors, which have been bothering me.

    I've been doing a lot of thinking lately on a variety of subjects. One of them is depression. It's so sad to watch people go through it, especially because I've been there myself. What's disturbing is that people have so-called friends who try to talk them out of getting antidepressants or therapy. They claim that you won't be able to think clearly because of the medicine. Depression is what clouds thinking patterns. Sometimes medication is the only way. It's helped me out a lot.

    Also, I get to vote for the first time tomorrow. The campaigning around here is driving me crazy. I'm just going to vote Republican and be done with it. The pro-choice rhetoric being spewed by democrats is disgusting. Abortion makes me want to cry.

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