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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

::bangs head against wall::

February 19, 2003 - 4:19 PM

    In the past twenty-four hours, I have come to despise Phil Donahue. In fact, I'm sick of leftists. True, most people I know are liberals. I'm in college. It's what college kids do. Even so, I'm so tired of them. They're driving me INSANE. I wouldn't mind it if war protesters focused on Saddam instead of trashing our own government. Encourage Saddam to give up his weapons and to stop torturing his own people so that war will be unnecessary. Don't demonize your own president for trying to keep the world safe. Why are the anti-war protesters getting called anti-American? Maybe, just maybe, it's because they're placing all the blame on America. When people say things like "September 11th was our fault," I want to scream. That's terribly un-American. If a husband beats his wife, do we tell her it was her own fault? No. Of course not! It's the people who actually commit violent crimes that are to blame. We did not deserve to have our building bombed and to suggest otherwise is absurd. Do the innocent people of Iraq deserve to be randomly bombed? No. No, they do not. Do they deserve to be treated with the cruelty shown by Saddam? No. He needs to be taken out of power. That's the point.

    I got this in my e-mail. It seemed to be addressed specifically to me, but it makes no sense because I'm not protesting:

    For your protests I suggest you get help from people such as Jane Fonda,Tom Hayden, Saddam and his family. Saddams I dea of protest is mutilaation, RAPE, murder. Protest all you want and in your Idle time book one way passage to Iraq. If you need any help packing or money for transportation let me know and I as well as millions of other true Americans will be glad to help you. Also if you have time visit a VA Hospital and veterans homes as I am sure there are people there who would like to talk to you. As a retired Marine and Viet-Nam veteran your protesting makes me wonder what The United States has not done for you, to protect you and give you the freedom that allows you to make a fool out of yourself. Your parents and others must really be proud of me. While you are at it contact Saddams son as I am sure he would enjoy your company. God have mercy on you because I sure cant. The Gunny

    This message would be more effective if a.) it was grammatically correct and b.) it was sent to someone who was protesting the war. Oh, and I guess I never told you why I hate Donahue. It's because he's a big mouth liberal asshole. I watched his show last night, and he would not listen at all to his conservative guests. I didn't love them all that much, but they deserved his actual attention. Donahue could not make actual arguments against them, so he kept interrupting and changing the subject. He was so loud and obnoxious. This is why I should stick with the Fox News Channel.

    Meanwhile, I'm currently watching my cuddly little liberal Jon Stewart. Many couples share opposing political views, and they're perfectly happy. I'm sure my sweet Jon does not want someone who constantly agrees with him. It's no fun that way. Right now Jon is saying that he is stuck in the middle. And he's totally agreeing with me. My sweetheart.

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