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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Spring hath sprung.

April 15, 2002 - 12:37 AM

    Today was vaguely pleasant. I stayed up late last night trying to get my diary to look pretty. I'm still not completely satisfied, but I *am* sick of trying. I slept in until the least possible minute before I had to go to noon mass. The weather was beautiful today, which is why I'm sitting here in shorts and a tank top. It felt good to drive my car today with the top down. (The car's top: not mine.) There's something about nice weather that can usually raise my spirits.

    Meanwhile, I think I need to start my job hunt. I babysat for W's kids on Friday afternoon, and I asked her if she was thinking of hiring me again this summer. She said she'd ask the other departments, but she probably didn't need me for Human Resources. I'm taking this as a sign that I need to seek employment elsewhere. She said I should go work as an office assistant at a publishing house or psychiatrists's office. She doesn't seem to understand that I'm too young and unqualified.

    I should probably go to sleep. I'm always late to Psychology of Women. Taht class should be so easy, but I think I'm still probably in the B-range. It's the participation points that kill me. It's difficult to participate when you're constantly late or absent. Damn 9 AM classes.

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