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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Whining and stuff

December 19, 2002 - 12:13 AM

    It's Tess's (or would that be Tess'?) birthday today. I need to go buy her a birthday card. It has to be a Fresh Ink card from Hallmark or she'll think I don't care. I love Fresh Ink cards. They're so nice and random. I always keep them in stock just in case I feel like sending one to somebody. Unfortunately I don't have any birthday cards.

    I hate my stupid job. I really do. I think I'd hate any job that involves working with the public. People are so stupid and annoying. All the little things they do irk me, from not taking the time to rewind the videos to insisting that they don't deserve late fees. I have to call people up every night to inform them about their late videos, and some of their reactions to the devastating news that their videos are late make me want to scream.

    Me: Hi. This is Brigid from E------- Video. I'm calling to remind you that you still have the movie Minority Report, and it's now two days late.

    Evil Customer: What?

    Me: Is this the Jones residence?

    Evil Customer: Yes.

    Me: (after repeating my original line) Did you rent Minority Report?

    Evil Customer: No.

    Me: According to the computer, someone from your phone number rented Minority Report.

    Evil Customer: Oh, maybe that was my son. It's two days late?

    Me: Yes. It'll be six dollars.

    Evil Customer: Jeez. We could have just bought the movie.

    Me: Yeah, well, not exactly.

    He hung up.

    I mean, I'd like to see where this guy could buy a brand new DVD for $6.00 What an asshole. Ugh.

    Anyway, thanks to the magic of a laptop computer, I can watch TV while typing. I hate those stupid Old Navy commercials. They're horrible on several levels. For one thing, I hope they didn't pay very much for the American Idol rejects because they barely even use them. They keep going back to Morgan Fairchild in superwhore mode. Moments later... I'm watching Colin Quinn's show on Comedy Central. I'm not a big Colin fan, although Colin is my favorite boy's name. I wonder if this show will last. My super sensitive entertainment-meter says: No. No it won't. Then again, I've been wrong before. I thought that releasing Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings within the same month was a bad idea. They ended up being the #1 and #2 movies of last year. My mistake...

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