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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Ten Thirteen

October 13th, 2000 - 4:50 PM

    It's Friday the 13th. In October. With a full moon.


    *g* I wanted to do something really cool tonight. Something scary and fun and in the spirit of things. I think that my friends and I are going to go to a Haunted House later. The last home football game is tonight, but oh well. I'm totally disenchanted with football games. It's actually been a couple years since I was ever anywhere near the point of enchantment. Anyway, I think Lisa was gonna go to the game. Last I talked to her, I had convinced her to come see the Haunted House instead. It might just be because Leigh (not her real name, of course!) wants to go. Lisa really likes Leigh and I'm in a Leigh!Mood as well. Sometimes Leigh can be very very irritating. I think it's simply because she lacks in common sense. Upon occasion I am able to let that slide and enjoy her company just for the fun of it.

    So, hopefully we're all going to go Haunted Housing tonight. Hmm. I want Lisa to come though. I know what you're thinking. Why would I want Lisa to go? She's always flirting with my crush. That's not cool. The truth is that she's one of my smartest and most intellectually amusing friends. She's the kind of person that I need around to understand my jokes.

    ...and to all my fellow X-Files dorks, Happy Ten Thirteen!

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