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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Nothing is food too.

October 14th, 2000 - 10:46 PM

    I have a headache. A really really bad headache. I took IBU Profin. Did that work? Of course not. Maybe there's some truth to the whole diet thing. My mom insists that I don't eat properly. This may be true. Basically, I only eat something when I start to feel too weak NOT to. I don't feel like I have an eating disorder though. It looks like an eating disorder when I bluntly type it out, but I don't think it actually is. When I wake up I eat a granola bar. At lunch I usually eat a few Mini Muffins. That's during the school week. Today's Saturday and all I ate was a granola bar until around 6 PM when I finally ate two pancakes at the IHOP. See? I ate. People with eating disorders don't do that. Still... there's 5'8" of me. I feel like I'm an SUV and I keep putting a dollar's worth of gas in myself. (That may officially be the worst comparison ever.)

    On a happier note, I did end up seeing a cool Haunted House last night. I talked to the actors. "People like you are what make that job difficult," Lisa told me. I was still amused. I mean... the people are trying to be all scary and I would calmly say "Hi!" or "Please refrain from touching me. My father is a lawyer." *g* Purely fun.

    In other news, I keep downloading Less Than Jake songs. Quite a cool little band.

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