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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com


July 12, 2002 - 12:06 AM

    Weezer rules.

    I just returned from seeing them in concert. I'm happy to report that Rivers Cuomo has shaved his beard. He was wearing a suit, and he had his adorable glasses on. I love him. Seeing him was amazing. He is amazing.

    In other news, I'm becoming paranoid with my friends getting their own on-line diaries and journals. Tess just signed up for a diaryland account. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if she found mine--mostly because I don't recall saying anything bad about her. Lisa knows the address, but she says she doesn't read it. I'm mostly worried about Ophelia or Sonia reading it. I vaguely remember calling them stupid about a hundred times. Ophelia would probably go insane with rage, which might be worth it just to see. I already told her that I don't let anyone I know in real life read it because "an angry mob would be at my door with pitchforks and torches within twenty minutes." I firmly believe this.

    Oh well. I don't want to burst my own bubble. I'm still on a Weezer high. They sang everything I wanted: El Scorcho, Buddy Holly, The Sweater Song... I also bought a signed copy of Pinkerton. Very cool. God, I'm happy. I didn't even realize the depths of my love for Weezer until I saw them live.

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