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Angels Among Us?

December 19th, 2000 - 12:20 AM

    I can't say too much. I'm busily doing a report. This is probably the furthest from finished I've been on the morning that a report is due ever. Technically, it is December 20th. To me it's still the 19th, so I used that for the date.

    Anyway, all I wanted to say is that I think I believe in God again. Maybe not Catholicism, but God. When I got home from the library tonight it was almost 8:00. As I pulled in to my driveway I got stuck in the snow. Evil evil evil snow. My car wouldn't go forward or backward. I went to the garage and tried to shovel my car free. I should have gotten my dad or someone, but I decided to just attempt it myself. Then a car drove by and the guy wanted to know if I needed help. I told him I lived here and I'd go in for help. He got out anyway. I got back in the car and tried to go in reverse while he shoveled and pushed. Finally we got my car out. It was bizarre. I said "Thanks! ...and merry Christmas!" He said the same and seemed very happy with that as he drove away. It was all very movie-like. He had told me not to tell anybody because he thought I'd be embarrassed. I was more bewildered than embarrassed. Call me a cynic, but I was waiting for him to be a psycho. I didn't want his help at first. Then it crossed my mind that this man was a sign. I remember a country song (from when I used to listen to country) about a boy being lost and a man leading him home- except that the man turned out to be an angel. That's how I felt. I felt very satisfied with God.

    So now I must keep trucking and doing this lame report. ::sighs:: I always have so much school work to do!

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