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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com


December 22nd, 2000 - 11:31 PM

    If you live in New York City or Los Angeles, I hope that you went and saw the film House Of Mirth tonight. I wish I lived in one of these cities. Apparently midwesterners aren't good enough. We're not counted when they talk about "select cities." Not even Chicago. Anyway, I wonder if I'm more of a New Yorker or an LA chick. I'd hafta say New Yorker. Why? Because they eat there. Despite popular opinion by family members, I happen to like eating. (I'm just very picky.) Anyway, I love California too. They're both great. I can't completely dismiss the midwest though. We're sensible people. Very down-to-earth and... just good folk.

    Anyway, I sent out my Christmas cards today. I doubt they'll make it by Christmas, but it doesn't matter all that much. My friends know that I procrastinate. I sent most of them to on-line people I know who live out of state. I wish I could go visit the ones in California. :) It's so... sunny there. It's so... snowy here.

    One day left to Christmas shop. Oh dear. Am I done? Ha. Of course not. This leaves me to fight all the other procrastinators at the mall tomorrow. I need to get Lisa something. She got me a cool little book of "Fuzzy Memories" by Jack Handey. I must get her something equally amusing. Hmm.

    By the way, I love The X-Files. I just watched the movie for the 500th time on a brand new 60" TV. It was great. That TV rules.

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