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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Why can't I be sassy? (Or funny, deep, smart, etc.)

December 17th, 2000 - 6:51 PM

    You know what? I totally forgot about my homework. I should do that maybe. Oh well. Anyway, I got an e-mail from DiaryLand today. They're looking for "the best entries, and that means entries that are funny, deep, smart, short, long, sassy, angry, happy, etc." Do I fit a single one of those categories? No. Probably not. Isn't that sad? Maybe not sad to you, invisible non-existant reader, but it's sad to me. If I do actually have a reader, they're probably mad at me for always accusing them of not existing. I really am a Doubting Thomas. I doubt God. I doubt Catholicism. I doubt my own readers.

    On a happier note, I do feel much better today than I felt yesterday. I did a lot of Christmas shopping. Holiday shopping and I have a love-hate relationship. I love picking out gifts and wrapping them. I hate long lines and the fact that everyone has forgotten how to drive their cars. I know I'm seventeen and I sound like a forty year old with road rage, but I'm just stating the facts. No one remembers how to drive, especially in the mall parking lot. Also, all the mall employees seem to have gotten slower. They seem to want to spend as much time ringing every individual up as possible. It's nice that they'd like an intimate relationship with each customer in line, but they can have those in June when everyone has forgotten how much they love buying things.

    Home work. Blah. I have home work from LAST weekend that I still haven't done. I suck. What do I even do with my time? I don't really know. Last night I watched the movie Return To Me with my family. I'm a big X-Files fan, but I'd never seen the film. It wasn't anything to write home about, assuming you don't live at home. I do. That's why I wouldn't write home about it. It wouldn't make any sense.

    It's now 7:02. I realize that I always put the time that I start these things, but never when I finish. You would be sad to know that these entries are each about ten to fifteen minutes of thought. Really really shallow insignificant thought. ::sighs:: The time is now 7:03. God. That was a really slow insignificant minute. Maybe I should pretend I have a fatal illness and see if I'm more productive because of it. I hope none of my imaginary readers have fatal illnesses. I wouldn't want to hurt their imaginary feelings.

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