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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

At the movies

March 08, 2003 - 12:16 AM

    I recently got home from seeing the movie Narc at the cheap theater with Tess. The cheap theater plays movies that are between the regular theater and video stores. It's only $2.50 to get in, which is less than the cost of renting a movie where I work. We spent a couple hours at Barnes & Noble where we argued politics. Tess later said, "I love how we can discuss things like that and not get mad." I just told her that it would be insane to throw away fifteen years of friendship because we disagree over one issue. Plus I like discussing things, and it's nice to have someone with a different view to bounce ideas off of. I can always count on Tess to be rational.

    Last night I went to see the movie Chicago again with Khara. It's such a good movie, especially because it has the greatest city in the country (or at least the midwest) as a title. The night before that we went to Kay's house to watch The Rules of Attraction. That was quite an odd film, but I'm glad I saw it.

    In the past week, I've gotten used to being off of school. Monday is going to be pretty awful.

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