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Back to school

August 27, 2002 - 12:04 PM

    Well, yesterday was the first day of school. I am now a sophomore in college. Not surprisingly, it is not much different from being a freshman. The biggest difference so far is my paranoia that cute guys may be freshman. Before, I was in no danger because all the guys were my age or--even better--older. Now there's a very real possibility that they could be younger than me.

    It's funny how part of me actually missed school. I think it's because I enjoy the positive reinforcement that getting As brings me. I'm sure that the feeling will wear off soon enough.

    Despite my previous sentiments about younger guys, I am not really hunting for a boyfriend. I think I should just accept defeat and move on. Some may think I'm jumping the gun here, being nineteen and all, but the outlook is so bleak on the dating frontier. Why keep hoping? (Besides, they always say that you always find someone when you're not looking.)

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