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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Barefoot In The Park

November 20th, 2000 - 12:34 AM

    Friday was Opening Night for the play I've been doing, "Barefoot In The Park." It was utterly amazing. After Friday's show, we all jumped around backstage and then I came out to find all my friends waiting to congratulate me. They all brought flowers too. :) They all seemed genuinely happy for me and really enthusiastic about my performance. A lot of kids from my class who don't know me very well were there and they all stopped me to tell me what a great job I did. For once, I can honestly say that I really truly DID do a good job. I'm my biggest critic, but I thought that the entire cast was incredible! After Opening Night, we all went to the Leading Lady's house and watched the John Cusack movie Better Off Dead.

    The next day I ended up sleeping until 2:30 in the afternoon. I got myself ready for Saturday's performance, which was not as incredible feeling at all. It certainly wasn't bad, but the audience energy level was way down. Afterwards I went to Baker's Square with Khara, The Story Teller, and Insignificant. I had to wear The Story Teller's hat to cover up the monstrous hair that was left over from Act 3 of the play. (By the way, The Story Teller is an acquanintance who is full of... well, stories. Insignificant is another acquaintance who I will most likely never mention again, and is therefore insignificant.) Anyway, I had fun with them. I ate Fish N Chips. I haven't had any beef in over two months and I'm proud. :)

    For today's performance, I will share with you what I told my message board:

    "Today was the final show for Barefoot In The Park. It was one of the most tremendous experiences of my life. There's really something empowering about getting on a stage and really giving your all to make an audience laugh. The best part was that they did actually laugh. :) My favorite part of the whole thing was going out into the crowd after each performance. So many people had such nice things to say to me! Several people told me that I "stole the show" and one person said she was going to be the first member of my fan club. I was just so delighted with the responses I got from people. It makes me want to be a theatre major! (If only I wasn't such a realist. ) I just feel really great because it was me doing the acting and me doing the entertaining. I think I sometimes get too caught up with actors and actresses that are on TV or in movies. It's so much more fulfilling and real to actually be the one acting. I just feel so joyful and happy and good all around. This may have been my last time on a stage and I felt good with how it went. I loved the cast too. Everyone was so talented and wonderful. I feel like they all got to know me for who I really am, which is more than I can say for about 95% of everyone I know. I just thought I'd share with you guys. This was really important to me."

    As you can see, I felt good. The cast all went out for pizza and we signed each other's programs. Everyone seemed really close and happy. The Leading Man seemed especially happy for me and I'm not sure why. It's funny because I never really liked him until recently. I felt something when he hugged me though. It wasn't a romantic something. I'm not sure what it was. I think it was friendship. Yes. I'm sure that when he hugged me I felt real friendship. That makes me kind of happy.

    Good night.

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