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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

a perfectly beautiful year...

August 21, 2002 - 11:14 PM

    (Note: The subject line is from the song that plays in the Kohl's back-to-school commercials.)

    I am actually on AIM with Lisa. This hasn't happened for years. We're both usually on ghost. She wanted to tell me that she's getting her own entertainment column in her school paper. That's so awesome. I can't wait to read it.

    School starts next week, and I almost welcome it. Maybe this year will finally be my year. Tess e-mailed me from school today, saying, "I can't wait to come home and see you, I miss your humor." That made me smile. It's nice to be missed by someone, even if it's just a friend. It's also dawning on me that most of my friends are a.) away at school again or b.) not on speaking terms (Ophelia). I have to be especially nice to Sonia because we're going to the same school so she'll be around to hang out with. That is, if she doesn't get married.

    Yes, married.

    I could scream. Apparently Josh, who she has been dating for a steady two and a half months, is thinking of proposing. My response was, "Tell me you won't say yes." She gave me a look that said, "I'll probably say yes." So I did what any normal person would do. I told her to consider me for maid of honor. "Oh, I will," she said with no hint of sarcasm. Wouldn't it be funny if I got to be maid of honor for a wedding I don't even approve of in the first place? Man.

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