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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

For the love of Bob!

January 23rd, 2001 - 8:51 PM

    Over the past few days I have considered my calling in life. I'm not sure that everyone has a genuine "calling" in life, so if I do... I don't want to blow it. Right now, my calling seems to be the pro-life stance. Some of my on-line associates have made me absolutely sick for humanity. They've compared the unborn to parasites. They talk about babies like scum that don't deserve life. I know that most people are pro-choice. I know that it's much more popular among women. I just don't understand the selfishness. Sure. It's more convenient to kill your child if you get pregnant, but does that make it right? Is it ever right to kill? I don't think so. I don't even like to kill insects.

    Anyway, I have a headache. I still have homework to do. I'm just on-line to type this up and... I don't know what else. Basically, the news for today is that Ophelia is mad at me. She sent me an e-mail yesterday and casually asked if I was angry on Friday. (::coughcough:: Check out Friday night's journal entry.) I e-mailed her back and told her this:

    I *was* ticked off. I think it's safe to say that I'm not great at hiding my emotions. I'm not 100 percent sure if it's a good idea to explain my frustration. I don't want to be mad at you; I don't want you to be mad at me. John Lennon said it best when he said "Give peace a chance."

    In the end, I offered to explain further if she asked me face to face. I'm a lot more unpredictable in real life. Also, I suck because after sending that e-mail, I decided that I wouldn't tell anyone about how sucky Friday had been. I'd keep it to myself... be noble or whatever. But no. I couldn't do that. I laughed about it with Lisa as we walked into school. It made me feel good that Lisa saw the situation the same way I did. Things have been bad with Ophelia all day. Then again, things have been on and off between us all year. She's just another example of my ex-best friends, except that she still has best friend status.

    I also talked to Claire today for the first time in about two weeks. That was nice. We talked about our friends and I updated her on what's been going on. (Yes, I told her about Ophelia and Buffy. She really hates Buffy.) She also told me something that I didn't know she felt. She was talking about how she introduced Leigh and Lisa to her friends from outside school, but how it always seemed like they were "trying too hard to be their friends". It's funny because I think Lisa always felt proud to know Claire's friends. I think Leigh did too, in her own way. I never really hung around any of Claire's friends for any extended period of time, although I've met a few, because they always seemed like negative influences to me. If it wasn't for them, maybe Claire would still be in high school.

    My eyes hurt. That's usually my cue to get off-line. ;)I'm going to leave you with a memory from Fuzzy Memories by Jack Handey:

    "If I could go back and change one thing in my life, I think it would be that time I found that one-dollar bill on the sidewalk. I would change it to a million-dollar bill."

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