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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

My friends make me physically ill.

January 19th, 2001 - 11: 30 PM

    I'm listening to The Doors. Ya know what? People ARE strange. Jim was right! Anyway, I had a very sucky evening and I'm ready to scream my head off at Ophelia. She disappoints me. To think... I used to consider her my best friend. She's mindless. Absolutely nothing happening upstairs. The lights are on, but the house has been abandoned for years and has an insect infestation problem.

    I'm harsh. I know. I'm a dramatic personality type. Basically, it's like this. Ophelia, Tess, and I were going to see the film Antitrust at 7:20. Pretty simple. Tess arrived at about 7:15, but Ophelia wasn't there. Knowingly (from past experiences), I called Ophelia's house. My frustration went up a few notches when I heard her meek little "Hello?" She hadn't left the house yet. I asked her if she was still coming. She was. When? "I'm gonna be late. I have to pick up Buffy." This is an introductory character, reader. Buffy is one of my least favorite people that I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. But Ophelia has decided to invite her without telling me. Again. Because she wants me to suffer!!!!

    ::calms down:: Okay, so at this point I'm explaining the situation to Tess. Ophelia will be late, but didn't have the courtesy to call because no one told her to and God knows that she would never have a thought on her own, unless that thought was "Let's invite Buffy!" Tess and I went into the theater and saved seats for Dumb & Dumber. Ryan Phillippe eventually came on the screen. I became lost in his beautiful sexy face and his angsty adorable movie. I am only distracted by D&D entering the theater in their giggling stupor. This is going to be a long night.

    After the wonderful movie, I'm stuck with Tess and D&D. I like Tess for the most part. I like her more than I like most people and I'm not the slightest bit irritated with her right now, so that's good. Ophelia and Buffy make my skin crawl. This is when I'm slightly rude to Buffy in the bathroom because I'm in angerball mode. It doesn't matter. We all decide to go to Barnes & Noble anyway because they have a Starbucks. D&D want hot chocolates. They want the same thing. How cute.

    An interesting side note for further thought: When we arrived at Starbucks, we saw Leigh in line. According to my friends, idiotic as they are, Leigh was on some date that she didn't tell anyone about. All I know is that she wanted to go play pool earlier this evening, but I wasn't up for it. She said she'd already seen Antitrust and was going to see a different movie. She never mentioned the male escort.

    To avoid the Leigh situation, we walked around Barnes & Noble. This is where I begin my psychological tests for D&D. Ophelia practically announces her brainlessness when she says, "I just say whatever the person who I'm with says." That's really something to be proud of. I mean it. Celebrate that lack of individualism. As further test, I try walking over to different shelves to see if D&D will follow. They're lemmings. They followed me wherever I went. Eventually I made more pronounced movements, such as moving across the store at a quick pace.

    One of the moments I found most sadly amusing was when we bought Starbucks. Ophelia and Buffy both desperately wanted hot chocolate. The following is an actual conversation:

    "What are you getting?" -Buffy

    "I don't know yet." -me

    "I want hot chocolate." -Ophelia

    "Me too, I think!" -Buffy

    "I hate the idea of being unoriginal. I think I'm going to get a white chocolate mocha." -me

    "Ooooh. That sounds good! I want one too!" -Buffy

    "Me too! I don't really feel like hot chocolate!" -Ophelia

    Unoriginal. Did they not catch that? I suppose not. In the end, Buffy got what I had. Ophelia got her hot chocolate, out of her childlish dislike of coffee mainly. Personally, I'm not a regular coffee drinker either. I just needed some strong caffeine to sustain myself. Buffy is so obnoxious. She'll make idiotic comments with no basis ANYWHERE and then Ophelia will agree and giggle. They both giggle. Really annoying giggling. Giggling that makes you want to vomit. I just kind of stare at them and give them weird looks. Sometimes I'll say something sarcastic and they'll laugh. I think they know tone of voice, but I highly doubt that they know what's so funny.

    I miss Lisa. Pathetic, I know. She went to visit her friend for the weekend. I really miss her. She's my fellow cynic: the only one who has any understanding of me at all. Honestly, it's very weird of me to miss someone for one weekend, but I do because this was just too much for me to live through all by myself.

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