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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Brick Walls

May 08, 2002 - 11:56 PM

    The Good: I'm done with finals!

    The Bad: I'm not done with my papers!

    Gah. I still have to work on some papers. They can be turned in any time before Friday, which leaves me with (close to) two days to finish. I was totally going to do it tonight, but it seemed like a better idea to lie in my bed absently flipping through channels for three hours.

    First of all, I don't think I can help Sonia with her boyfriend problems. I went to Burger King with her for lunch today, and we discussed why she wanted to stay in an obviously abusive, unhealthy relationship. I felt like I was banging my head into a brick wall. There was just no getting through to her. Then, as we got further into her past, it became very clear to me that she has a history of abuse. It's quite difficult to break a cycle that's been ingrained in someone since childhood. It certainly isn't a job for an amateur, no matter how much I'd like to help. I know she hears me and understands what I'm saying, but it doesn't reach her where it counts. She's not going to end the relationship. She has fresh bruises from last weekend when he "wrestled" with her again. Having never been in asuch a situation, I feel outraged on her behalf. I keep saying, "You can do better. You can be in a relationship where the guy doesn't hurt you that way. No one should ever hit you. Ever. There is absolutely no reason for that." She can't accept that.

    I felt bad because I had to end our conversation earlier than I would have liked. I had a meeting with my writing teacher. He was quite complimentary. He thinks I should double-major or minor in writing. He said something along the lines of "In good conscience, I couldn't let you leave my class without asking you to continue writing. I think it's obvious that you need to write in the future." It's funny because my writing teacher from last semester said something similar, but the two teachers encourage totally different writing styles. In my last class, I was able to write a tribute to Jon Stewart and a paper on why Ben Franklin was conceited. This class was much more academic and serious. At any rate, it pumped up my ego a bit and helped take my mind off of Sonia and my inability to help her.

    Oh, and I guess I'm going on a road trip on Monday. Sonia and Ophelia are counting on me to go. I have given it very little thought, but I think that's a good attitude for a road trip. Too much planning kills the whole spirit of the road trip. The only problem is that in the past few days I've been very straightforward with Sonia and Ophelia. Sometimes the truth hurts. Sonia hasn't seemed upset, but I have no way of knowing about Ophelia because we've just been e-mailing. Sometimes being honest can come back to haunt you. Or at least it pisses your friends off.

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