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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

finals week

May 06, 2002 - 11:14 PM

    I shouldn't even be here because my Psychobiology test is tomorrow. I'm doing all this work at the last minute here, and it's really quite frustrating. This is the last week of school, and therefore my last chance to get a good grade in Psychobio.

    I studied earlier today with this guy, and we had a nice talk. I am not interested him romantically, but he was nice. He called me "down to earth." He's Muslim and he explained how recently he's felt like he has something to prove. He has to be extra friendly to avoid suspicion/judgement/etc. It's sort of sad, but I can understand it. He told me to call him over the summer if I'm ever bored and feel like hanging out. Maybe I will.

    God. I hate finals week. I only have to take two exams, but I also have three reports due. Stupid school...

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