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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

On the road again...

May 11, 2002 - 10:04 PM

    I swear to God that I can feel myself becoming more pathetic. What is this? The third weekend in a row that I'm sitting at home? It's really quite sad. I've been busy with school, which is finally over. Now I'm just being... a nerd, basically. I probably shouldn't complain about not being wanted. Josie called out of the blue last night and wanted to introduce me to all her new friends. It was sort of late and I just didn't feel up to it. Tonight I was supposed to babysit, but I shamelessly pleaded with my younger sister to do it for me. I'm just lazy.

    Mother's Day is tomorrow. We're having a big family gathering at my house. This is bad for several reasons. 1.) We must clean our horrifically messy house. 2.) I must spend time with irritating relatives. 3.) It's at my house, so I can't leave early. 4.) I can't complain about anything because it's my mom's "special day."

    I am completely evil.

    Anyway, I am actually going on the road trip with Sonia and Ophelia. We're leaving Monday morning. (Yes, as in two days from now.) I can't tell you where I'm going because of potential stalkers. Let's just say it's somewhere that no one would ever think to look. Everyone in the town is probably in the witness protection program because no one (except me and my friends) would voluntarily go there. It's a seven and a half hour drive through miles of majestic corn fields. It's in a state that rhymes with Tebraska. It's one of the worst destinations for a road trip that I have ever heard of in my life. I'm going anyway.

    I figure that someone like myself *needs* a road trip. I need to leave my stupid house and actually do something. Plus I'm pretty curious about Sonia and Ophelia. Mostly Ophelia. She's an enigmatic person. Is she a complete moron? Or is there something going on inside her head? I plan on finding out. After five years, I'm going to learn what makes her tick. Surely spending four straight days with her will be enlightening. The funny thing is that I still have a little paranoia that she hates me.

    I'm such a hypocrite. I can criticize people behind their backs or in my head, but I don't allow them the same courtesy. If it got back to me that someone questioned my intellect, I'd be pissed. Then again, I do it to my friends all the time. I'm constantly thinking how stupid they are or telling a different friend about someone's stupidity. I'm really quite gossiplike when I stop and think about it. I don't keep secrets especially well. Oh God. I have to stop thinking about it before I accidently make myself hate me even more.

    If I don't write anything before Monday, then I guess this is goodbye. I'll be back Thursday night if I don't get killed on the way to... You know. I can see it now:

    "Let's stop for that hitchhiker!"

    "The one with the bloody ax? Will that fit in the trunk?"

    "He's cute. We'll make room."

    I wouldn't put it past them.

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