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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

We don't need no education.

May 14th, 2001 - 10:39 AM

    I am once again in the school computer lab. The funny (read: pathetic) thing is that I don't even have to be here. I took my very last exam and am now officially never going to another high school class again. I could leave this building. Yet I choose not to. Crazy.

    Truthfully, it's all a matter of laziness. My Grandma is babysitting my little sister at home. She's always cleaning. I don't feel like cleaning. I'm avoiding my own grandmother. I am the scum of the Universe. (Well, maybe there are a few serial killers and N Sync fans who've got me beat in that department.) Anyway, I might go buy some concert tickets. Maybe some food too. Sometimes it's good to eat... but only sometimes! And only on special occasions like Buying Concert Tickets Day. Things like that.

    Mother's Day was yesterday. That ended badly, with my parents yelling ay each other the entire way home from my Grandma's house. She thought he was driving too crazy. He does have some road rage, but he's never killed me yet, so I don't complain. He has yet to kill my mom either, so I'm really not sure why she was so mad.

    Tomorrow is Senior Legacy. We get to prance around in our caps and gowns and sit through a boring parade of achievements. We get to ooh and ahh at all the scholarships everybody got. That's always fun. I love being miserably inadequate. Then we get to have a Senior Overnight. This frightens me. It's supposed to be a night of pure fun. I had better prepare by hitting my head against a wall for a few hours so that I'm in the right mood.

    Well, I'm spent. I think I'll go buy those concert tickets. Maybe I'll get another poster for my room. Little things like that make me happy. Sometimes I almost think I'm easily amused. Then I remember things like A Knight's Tale and realize that I was not amused at ALL, even though my friends kept giggling throughout the film. Then I feel better about myself because I am so cynical. Cynicism is such a joy.

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