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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com


May 12th, 2001 - 1:03 AM

    Sometimes the Universe plays some really interesting games with me.

    I was in Barnes & Noble tonight, reading magazines and ditching my friends. (They were somewhere else in the store.) All of a sudden someone says "A huge picture of Jon Stewart!" I spin around, to find that it is Lenny. If you go all the way back to the February 18th entry, you can find the day I met Lenny. The *only* time I recall meeting Lenny. He remembers me, as is obvious by the reference to Jon Stewart.

    We have what feels like witty banter. About time I had some of that. And he compliments me, which my ego eats up.

    Lenny: Adam Carolla's always talking about how he never had sex in high school, but gets a lot now. That makes me feel better.

    Me: There's hope for the future.

    Lenny: Yeah. Well, *you* shouldn't have any trouble in that department.

    Me: That's not true.

    Lenny: Really? You should go to some parties. Guys would be all over you.

    Me: That works in theory, but not in reality.

    Lenny: Then you must be doing something really wrong!

    Me: That's reassuring.

    Lenny: This only means that you're going to be famous when you're older. Or a nun.

    Me: Let's hope it's the first one and not the latter.

    Lenny: I know this one girl... she's hot, but she whines too much.

    Me: That kinda ruins it.

    Lenny: Yeah. And she has no conversation skills. Her mom trusts me though. Like, I could ask her mom if it would be all right to take her camping all weekend and her mom would say yes.

    Me: So her mom isn't that bright either?

    Lenny: Look at me! I look like an angel!

    Me: Looks can be deceiving.

    Lenny. You're smart. Wow. You're... smart.

    That was my favorite part of the conversation. I don't know. He just looked at me as if I was this beautiful intelligent perfect girl. He's obviously mentally ill, but still! He also told me that I was obviously the smart one out of my group of friends, after I told him how they dragged me to A Knight's Tale. (This was a horribly bad film, by the way.) I also explained how it tried to be funny and failed.

    "Funny? How? Like guys falling off of horses and stuff?" He hit it dead on.

    "Yes! And the saddest part is that people laughed! My friends laughed. It left me wondering why were friends." He understood. And he's funny. And he's half Jewish. And he thinks I'm attractive.

    Too bad I'm really not all that interested.

    Okay. A little. I have a weakness for guys who think I'm pretty. There are so few of them. They must be worshipped. Anyway, I'm still not being a great friend. Seriously though, during the movie Ophelia and Tess were laughing at the most retarded things. And I kept telling Leigh what was about to happen because it was so damn obvious. I needed caffeine. Thank God that the Barnes & Noble has a Starbucks. And a crazy kid named Lenny.

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