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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

having my cake and eating it too

June 23rd, 2001 - 12:19 AM

    My computer thinks it's 2002. Crazy thing.

    Anyway, hello. It's me. Brigid. As if you were expecting someone else to be updating brigid.diaryland.com. That's right. It's me Ashley! Here to... oh whatever. It's early/late and my sense of humour (love those Brits) is off track.

    Lisa got back from her computer class thing today. I called her in my car and got her machine. She's always saying how angry she gets when people don't leave a message because all she wants to know is who called. After that I started saying my name and immediately hanging up. Today I used a Kevin Smith character name: "Tricia Jones." I don't know why I'm telling you this, but it seemed funny at the time.

    Anyway, we decided to see Dr. Dolittle 2. I know. I know. Why would I do that? Well, she wanted to see it and I had no better idea. It wasn't as bad as Moulin Rouge by a long stretch. Afterwards, we went to Barnes & Noble. We saw Lenny again. That is one funny kid. Strange, but funny. His brother was with him too. He reminded me very much of Andy Dick, only a trekkie. (I have no idea if that is spelled right.) He kept insisting that his name was Captain Kirk. "I wish I could live in the 60s where I could get plenty of William Shatner."

    It's funny. I like Lenny. I'd probably even say yes if he asked me out. He never does though. I have no idea what his intentions are. Lisa thinks he just likes to entertain people, which is true, but I think there's a little more to it. I don't know for sure. I think that he feels like I'll reject him. If he only knew how sad and loveless I am. ;)

    "You can't have your cake and eat it too." I never understood this. It came to mind tonight though. Hot guys are jerks; funny guys are nerds. Personally, I wouldn't date a guy who had a certain affection for William Shatner. I don't know. Maybe I'm being superficial.

    I'll never find the right guy.

    My co-worker did. She lived right next door to him for years before they dated. Now she's pregnant and they're going to get married. Everyone says he's absolutely perfect.

    I want that without the pregnancy/shotgun marriage thing.

    I thought I was over this romance thing. This sucks. I need a guy to come up to me and say "Hi. I'm insertnamehere. I noticed you reading that Jon Stewart article. The Daily Show is my favorite show. Would you like to discuss it over frappucinos?" That would rule.

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