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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2001 - 11:55 PM

    It's Christmas Eve.

    My whole family on my mom's side always gets together at my Grandma's house. It's all right, except for my four year old cousin, who is possessed by the devil. I keep waiting for her head to start spinning around. I kept biting my tongue every time she'd let out a shriek or demand. "STOP LAUGHING OR I'LL SCREAM!" It was kind of ironic. Her parents are so clueless. She was threatening her dad: "Do I have to step on your new shoes? I can step on them pretty hard." She also hits people. I can't stand it. My cousin Petunia and I are in agreement that she's going to have a nervous breakdown one day. (I give her till age seven- tops.)

    I still haven't given up hope on starting some sort of romance with Alex. I sent him an on-line Christmas card today. He IMed me just a few minutes ago. It was disappointing:

    Alex: hey

    Alex: how's it going

    MooonBeems: Hey. It's going pretty well. You?

    Alex: just wanted to say hi

    Alex: I'll be back later

    Alex: k

    MooonBeems: Okay. Bye.

    Alex: merry xmas

    MooonBeems: Merry Christmas. :)

    For one thing, I don't know if I can date a boy with grammar like that. Secondly, it's obvious that he doesn't want to talk. Or is it? Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Maybe he wants to talk later, as implied by the "I'll be back later." Gah. I'm not waiting around. That's for sure. Guys are always saying that girls have the upper hand. Why is it that *this* girl never has it?

    Anyway, it's Christmas morning. Should probably get to sleep. Merry Christmas! :)

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