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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Christmas Eve... Eve

December 23, 2001 - 7:48 PM

    Christmas is now two days away. It's *not* beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. It's odd.

    Josie called me today. At first when I heard her voice, I thought it was Leigh. (Leigh is in the Air Force, but apparently can't come home for the holidays.) Anyway, we talked for a long time. It turns out that she moved back to Illinois two months ago to live with her aunt. She didn't say why she decided to call me after two months. It was very surreal because we are very similar, even after all these years. We both love psychology, writing, English, theater, having long conversations over coffee, older men, alternative music... We're hopefully going to get together later in the week. I'm not sure. I feel a little spent as far as conversation goes. I don't really consider myself a bad conversationalist, but I'm terrible at filling in those weird, silent pauses in conversations.

    Claire called last night. She told me that she moved out of her brother's apartment after he strangled her and kicked her head several times. They were both drunk, of course. She said he's in jail now, but she's not the one who called the police, so she doesn't even know what he's in for. She wanted to go out last night, but I was in no mood. She wanted to see the movie How High. There is just no way in Hell that I would pay to see that. It's one of the films that makes me want to run my own film studio just to ensure that films like that don't get made.

    Hmm. Oh yeah. I worked on Friday. It was nice to see my old work friends. I like them because they're in their twenties. They're more mature than anyone my age, but not so old that they're uncool. I'm going to go to Maribel's house on January 6th to see the Sex & The City premiere.

    ...and that's all she wrote.

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