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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Immature people... are... are... babies!

October 27th, 2000 - 9:56 PM

    My back hurts. I've been sitting at this damn computer for too long. I've been downloading Bob Dylan songs, typing a report on the characterization of Hamlet, and reading posts on my message board. Mainly, I should be concerned about Hamlet. I have very little time to do a lot of homework this weekend. It pretty much sucks. I always get done though. I'll give me that. The really sucky thing is that I missed school yesterday and today because of the stomach flu. On Monday I will have three times the normal amount of homework! Hooray!

    Wednesday was the last day I attended play practice. I'm hopeful about it because they decided to give me a Jewish accent, which I'm not that bad at. I'm a 17 year old Irish girl playing a 40-something Jewish woman. Oy vey indeed.

    Tomorrow I am doing community service in the morning (we need a lot of hours to graduate) and at night I'm going to my friend "Sonia"'s party. (I love these fake names I give my friends.) I expect Sonia's party to be terribly awfully unbearably unpleasant. "She's got hiiiigh hopes..." Anyway, I have a certain dislike for any signs of immaturity. This party is sending my immaturity censors into over-drive. I don't mean to sound like some kid who thinks she's all grown up. I really don't. I don't think parties where kids get wasted and throw up on their friend's carpet are any more mature than this. Both are pretty stupid. I'll be nice for Sonia's sake though.

    According to Lisa, there's a post-party to Sonia's party. Yay. I guess Lisa and Leigh and some of my other friends are all getting together to do God knows what. Lisa told me that "Claire" will be driving. Tha makes me wonder if I should bring my own car in case Claire is drunk. Hmm. I've never told you about Claire, so I'll explain briefly. Claire and I have known each other since childhood. Her family life isn't very good. She skips school a lot and fights with her parents and gets drunk all the time. I blame her AND her parents. They have a joint partnership in screwing up her life.

    That's it. That's all I've got. I have to run across town to pick up my little sister. Gah. See ya after tomorrow night's awful and terrible party.

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