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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Don't try to argue. You've already won.

October 23rd, 2000 - 9:48 PM

    I must keep this short so that I can go watch The Daily Show at 10:00... as well as do all my homework. Anyway, today was nlot super, but not hideously dreadful. I ate some fattening foods to prove to myself that I'm not anorexic. I really am chubby! Hurrah! *g* In Religion class today I defended my pro-life stance. Then I defended it on my message board (which I'm slowly slightly returning to) and I'm all debated out. I must be one of the few female teenage pro-life advocates left on this planet.

    Anyway, in homeroom Khara said that one of her guy friends from the party said he really liked me and how nice I was. Puzzled due to my atrocious (is that spelled right?) behaviour (the English spelling!), I asked if he had been confused. Then I realized that I hadn't spent any time with that guy at the party. Maybe he just thought I was cute. That would be scary. Scary for him, not me. Perhaps he was tipsy. *g* I don't think so, but it's only logical.

    You must think I'm crazy hypocritical. I am. Umm... I know I'm pro-life though! I'm a pro-life feminist! Basically, that means I'm a walking oxymoron. I'm a fat anorexic girl. I'm an ugly girl with a great personality. I'm a pretty girl with an icy personality. Meredith Brooks should write a song about me. Hmmm...

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