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Death and Religion

July 09, 2002 - 11:31 PM

    I woke up very early today so that I could drive my sisters and myself to church. It would have been my Grandpa's birthday. He died ten years ago, so we thought it would be nice to see my Grandma. She goes to church every morning anyway, but it's out of the ordinary for me to go to Mass on a Tuesday morning. It sort of felt nice. A very fresh start to the day and all that.

    The funny thing about my Grandma is that she doesn't seem especially religious despite all evidence to the contrary. When she had surgery, she didn't want anyone from the parish to visit her. She just barely put up with the hospital's staff priest who prayed over her while she was in the ICU. "It's a little late to be worrying about your soul when you're about to die," she said. The priest apparently left her room with a sigh of disappointment. Her basic attitude is, "If I die, well, fine. I die." She doesn't say this in a pitiful way. It's very strong and almost comical. I would be terribly sad if my Grandma died, but I don't think she would.

    The rest of the day was spent cleaning and watching The Royal Tenenbaums.

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