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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Editors, Frappucino, & Feminism.

April 29th, 2001 - 6:38 PM

    I think I'm going to write a letter to the editors at Teen Magazine. I want to know if they're sad. You know... sad that they're probably thirty-five years old and writing stories that use words like "fab" and "hottie". I wonder how they ot to be editors at Teen. Was their ambition to write for Time? Newsweek? The least they could do is work at Vogue or Movieline. Maybe they make so much money that they're not sad at all. They just keep pumping out the issue that "grrls" want to read about. Usually issues that involve facial cleansers.

    I sometimes think I could write for a paper or magazine. None of them really appeal to me. Besides, my journalism class has shown me how annoying the whole thing can be. I'm the entertainment editor, which is the only job I'd even consider doing. I have to write articles and put the entire page together. Sometimes this has benefits. I get to plug a lot of things I enjoy. Unfortunately most people at my school are barely literate and quite disinterested.

    I'm reading The Catcher In The Rye. Holden Caufield is very repetitive. Common Caufield phrases and words are "I'm not kidding", "That killed me", and "phony". Of course, the whole phoniness thing is what the novel is known for. What makes me mad about the book is that it inspired a lot of psychos to do stupid things. On the other hand, it's an interesting story for a cynic like myself. I too am very critical of most people.

    I'm drinking a frappucino. I really like these things. Starbucks is really crazy though. There's too many. Even in England there were too many. I wonder if drinking this frappucino makes me a hypocrite in any way. I'm not sure why this would be true, but it feels like a valid concern.

    I was thinking about feminists. Three kinds come to mind. You have the Sex Feminists. These are people who often believe that controlling men by using sex makes them powerful. Also, wearing very sexy clothes is a sign of their freedom as a woman. These are people who think leopard pants and a tube top equal real girl power. Then there are the Militant Feminists. They would never dress like the Sex Feminists. They are often bitter towards men and women alike. They think that a man opening a door for them is demeaning. They may enjoy Xena Warrior Princess. The third kind of feminists are Political Feminists. This is what I am. We want equality in the eyes of the law. Equal pay. And personally, I think that people like the Spice Girls (Sex Feminists) are very very mistaken if they think that they exhibit power for women.

    I'm kind of sad right now. I feel misunderstood on so many levels. Maybe I don't explain anything thoroughly enough. Maybe people simply don't get it. I don't know. I think maybe I'm a controversial person sometimes. You'd think so, anyway, by the way people respond to me.

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