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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

The Universe is like a box of chocolates.

December 20, 2001 - 11:12 PM

    Christmas gift giving can be tricky. For instance, I asked my mom for a Weezer calendar. Then today my sister's friend gave *her* the Weezer calendar I wanted. Weirder still is that my sister asked my mom for the new Bush CD and tonight Lisa gave it to *me*. The Universe likes to screw with people.

    I went Christmas shopping today. I bought my 15-year old sister an Adidas Moves perfume and lotion box set and a Tootsie Roll pop keychain that keeps track of how many licks you take. I bought Lisa the video version of Margaret Cho's "I'm The One That I Want", a box of "misfortune" cookies, and a shot glass that says "I'm not as think as you drunk I am."

    I also bought some stuff for Claire. Hopefully I can get in touch with her before Christmas. She was at the hospital today for some reason. I guess the people that she was living with kicked her out. Now she's living with her abusive older brother, who was kicked out of the family home because of his gang involvement and physical abuse. It's just a *super* situation. I'd like to talk to her a little bit. She came to my final performance of Dancing At Lughnasa on December 9th and I haven't seen her since. About two weeks before that, she was hospitalized for a suicide attempt, although I've been told that she basically just scratched at her wrists. She was sent over the edge when she caught her boyfriend cheating on her with... are you ready for a Jerry Springer moment? Well, he was kissing another guy. She told me she felt like she didn't have any friends, so she got high and tried to cut her wrists. It's ironic/stupid that the people at rehab let her out early because she was so cured. After all, she did run away from home within twenty-four hours of being home from the place.

    Anyway, this week has been strange. I've made quite a bit of money babysitting, only to spend it all on Christmas gifts. Oh well. I like buying things for people. The strange thing is my friends. For one thing, there's a message on my answering machine from Josie. We went to grade school together, but only for 4th and 5th grade. We were best friends. She moved to Michigan in the middle of 5th grade and I was quite distraught, but we wrote each other lots of letters. Sometimes we'd call each other. As you can imagine, we've lost contact over the past eight years since she moved away. Well, over the summer I mysteriously got an invitation to her high school graduation. I couldn't get to Michigan, but I sent her a Hallmark card. I never got a response. I guess she's back in town for the holidays because she called my house earlier this week and left a phone number with a local area code. I'll call tomorrow. Maybe we'll get together. I don't know.

    My dad suggested that I'm psychic. I started to tell him that I've been having dreams about people I have unfinished business with. He cut me off with "Josie called!" Oddly enough, I also got an e-mail from Lily last week. She wants a group of us to get together on December 30th. I might go. I haven't seen her- or really even talked to her- since when we went to Chicago last January. The death of our friendship has always kind of bothered me because it faded away into nothing without closure or reason. It was a true "falling out." I had a dream a few nights ago where I was shopping for a present for her.

    At any rate, these invitations from Josie and Lily are out of the blue. They're both friends that once meant a great deal to me and are now estranged. When I was younger, things like this bothered me to the point of obsession. When I got in a fight with a friend or we grew apart, it really got to be. I'm not sure how to deal with these people in the present once I've gotten over it and resigned them to the past.

    A fresher wound is starting to heal. I sent Ophelia a Christmas card so she sent me an on-line card. I e-mailed her back and asked her what she was doing this weekend. I said we should go to Steak N Shake for old times' sake. Maybe we will. I'm not sure. All I know is that she hasn't invaded my dreams for two nights now.

    ...and Lisa is heading off to Colorado. She seemed to genuinely like the present I got her, which was nice because it took me hours to find that stuff and decided to buy it. Tomorrow I'm going to the office that I worked in all summer. I'm glad to see my friends again. Beth is about five months pregnant by now. When I left in August, she was barely showing. I assume she's much bigger now. ;)

    I am now done babbling.

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