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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Free at last... sorta.

May 14, 2003 - 12:36 PM

    Things accomplished today: 0.

    I hate when I sleep until 11:00. I've done in the past couple days, and it makes me feel like such a time waster. Plus I've been having bad dreams that do not involve Colin Farrell telling me that I'm the only girl for him.

    Anyway, at least I'm done with school. I'm free! Now I must find a job, but I'm currently free! Free except for all my mother's expectations about me doing laundry and cleaning the house! God, I wish I could live more like my cat. Of course, she's currently chasing her own tail, but overall she's got it good.

    This weekend was all right. Tess and I saw X-Men 2 on Friday night. I never saw the original, but I'd heard so many great things about the new one that I had to see it. My major thought on the matter was that Hugh Jackman was terribly cute and angsty. Then on Saturday Tess and I went to see Adaptation at the cheap theater. The first half was excellent, and then it veered off into Crazyland. Also on Saturday, I tried out for a play at school. There were only three parts for women, so I wasn't expecting much. I didn't get in, but the director really made me mad. She said she would call us the next day either way, but she simply didn't call. I thought it was very rude to just leave a person hanging.

    Sunday was Mother's Day. We gave Mom what she's been wanting since 1982: Michael Jackson's Thriller. She's a funny lady. Not really big on popular music. I also bought her a gift certificate for a manicure, since she's never had one. I had one last Thursday, and my nails are chipped already. Hopefully she will do better with hers.

    I just watched a preview for tonight's Dawson's Creek. I haven't really watched it in a very long time, but the past couple episodes have interested me. I watched it for so long that I thought I should watch the end. Unfortunately, the preview made me sick to my stomach. Dawson and Joey getting married? How truly awful. I hope it was only a dream sequence. I really feel sick to my stomach now. Maybe I shouldn't watch the show tonight.

    Lisa called me yesterday. She wants to take an acting class together. I don't know if I really want to, but I might do it anyway. I'm half afraid that they'll teach me the exact opposite acting method than the directors at my school would want. I often get mad at Lisa for various things, but I think I should try to put more effort into our relationship. With who else can I have conversations like this one?

    (arriving at a coffee shop, getting our drinks, and sitting down...)

    Me: So, what do you want to do?

    Lisa: Want to go the mall and make fun of people?

    Me: Okay.

    (We get up from the table and leave.)

    Speaking of friendships, I'm totally over my irritation at Tess. She might not know a single thing about politics, but she's a good person. I just have to ignore her jabs at President Bush, and I will be fine.

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