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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Unique grade-improving method

May 09, 2003 - 12:42 PM

    I would just like to announce that I am the biggest girl in the known universe. I just took my Statistics final, which was beyond awful. I was the last one to turn mine in. About fifteen minutes before that, my eyes became blurred and I actually started crying. Yes, that's right. I was crying during my college Statistics final. The teacher told me that he'd give me at least a C for the course by way of comfort. Truly, even though it will be my first college C, I'm happy about it. I was fearing a D. I probably deserve an F. I'll take a C.

    Still, I didn't have to cry about it.

    Anyway, I'm done with school now. The past week has been spent studying like crazy, occasionally stopping to eat, sleep, and watch Will & Grace. What's funny is how well I was doing on the anxiety-meter. I was so calm, even though I had huge projects due (all of which I started just last weekend). I finished everything. Life was psuedo-good. Then today I cracked.

    Oh well. Can't go back in time.

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