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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Gah! Argh!

September 28, 2003 - 5:01 AM

    I'd like to know why I even bother talking to my mother. All I ever feel at the end of our conversations is despair. I can come home in a good mood, and then end up talking to her for hours about how awful I am. She'll criticize my thinking and call me bitter and tell me I should ask people out to coffee. It's so annoying. Now it's 5:00 in the damn morning, and I'm just now going to bed. GOD DAMN IT.

    Anyway, I'm doing the lighting for the play Jake's Women. I'll write more about it later because it's making my life slightly more interesting. Cynthia keeps supplying me with Smirnoff's Ice. I think she wants to get me drunk, but it hasn't happened. I'm my own designated driver, after all. (That's another awful thing. I'm twenty, and I drive after having a couple drinks. Totally illegal. I'm not anywhere near drunk ever, and I usually wait several hours, so I'm as sober as I ever am, but the alcohol is still in my system.) Gah. My mom. Seriously, I should not talk to her. Christ, I don't want to wake up tomorrow (today).

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