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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Talking 'bout my generation

April 09, 2003 - 12:30 PM

    This morning, I heard the reports of Iraqis destroying the huge Saddam statue in Baghdad. The DJs on the radio were describing it, and it made me really happy. Before my last class, I overheard people talking about the war. It brought me right back to reality. People still don't get it. They're going to defend their anti-war stance until the end. I want to scream, "Look at these people! They're glad Saddam is gone!" Their reply would be that not every single person in the country is glad. Because, as we can see from living in America, everyone has the same reaction to everything.

    I don't quite understand the current protesters. Pretend for a moment that George W. Bush said, "My staff just gave me the memo that people are protesting this war. I must stop it immediately!" Then he orders that all the troops are to come home right now. The protesters would get their wish, but it would have to go down in History books as the dumbest thing anyone ever did. We're about to win. Victory is near... Let's quit! Who cares that people will have died in vain? Who cares that we'll leave the Iraqis to fend for themselves as Saddam reclaims control?

    Oh wait. I care. George W. Bush cares. Hmm. I don't mean to be snippy, but... oh hell. Yes I do. It would just be stupid to call the whole thing off right now. It would not make a bit of sense. So why do people think it does? I've been trying to very nicely argue this point with Tess, but she won't budge. She even said that she wouldn't have backed World War II, which is, in my opinion, the ultimate "just war." If you won't fight to stop Hitler, then face it; you're never going to fight. If only the Jews had gathered together to throw daisies at the Nazis.

    I'm getting snippy again.

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