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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Grades/ Phone Booth/ Babies

April 07, 2003 - 11:48 AM

    I shouldn't have complained about the rain on Friday. It's snowing today.

    Aside from the snow, today hasn't really been all that bad so far. I got an A on my short paper about Islam. The problem with getting good grades is that it makes you less likable. One girl, who I'm guessing didn't get an A, asked the teacher for an example of what he was looking for in this paper. He read my introductory paragraph out loud to the class. Afterwards, I was standing outside with a classmate, and she kept teasing me about being Miss Perfect Paper. It reminded me of Claire for some reason. Claire loves when I mention that I usually do papers the night before they are due. Some people just appreciate a casual attitude towards school.

    The weekend was fairly good. I left a message on Lisa's machine Friday night, but I didn't call anyone else because I was so depressed that the movie Phone Booth wasn't at our theater. I ended up watching Maid In Manhattan with my mom, who slept through most of it anyway. Lisa called me back a few hours later, and we went to Steak N Shake at 11:15. I'm trying to remember what we talked about. Oh yes! We talked a little bit about the war, but it wasn't a spirited debate. She isn't exactly on top of current events, and her major argument was, "Bush sounds so stupid when he talks." Once people pull out the fourth grade insults, I pretty much give up.

    On Saturday, Buffy called me. I told her about Phone Booth and we made plans to see it in a neighboring town. We decided to call Ophelia, but she was spending the night "hanging out" with her boyfriend. Speaking of Accomplice, I actually met him a few weeks ago! I've known that girl for five years, she's been dating him for one, and I'm just now meeting him. And it was by chance! Tess and I were at Barnes & Noble before seeing the movie Narc, and there they were. I was interested in meeting him because Sonia speaks so badly about him. From Sonia's description, I was picturing a big, dumb oaf of a boy who likes cereal and cartoons. On the contrary, he was thin. I don't know about the dumb part. The only thing he said was, "I think I got chocolate on my nose." (He was drinking a hot chocolate.) Ophelia seemed uncomfortable. It was like he was her secret boyfriend or something. There was an episode of Sex and the City like that...

    I completely got off topic. So, it was Saturday night and Ophelia couldn't come with us to see Phone Booth. She did mention that she had seen it listed in the newspaper as playing at our theater. It turns out that fandango lied to me. Buffy and I went to the theater in town, drooled over Colin Farrell, and lived happily ever after.

    On Sunday, Buffy and I went to Babies R Us to buy gifts for Sonia's baby shower. We tried to follow the gift registry, but we decided that Sonia's taste in baby gear just didn't match ours. In my own defense, there were several times when I told Buffy, "Maybe we should just get her what she wants. It's her baby, not ours." Even so, we went off the list to buy a bunch of stuff in green and yellow. Sonia is so convinced that she's having a girl that we believe it's a boy. Buying baby stuff was actually really fun. We got the cutest little green Winnie the Pooh hat with little bear ears. So damn cute. By the time we got everything together, we had spent $84.00 in there, so I now owe Buffy $42.00. I really should get another job.

    You know, I spend so much time recapping what I did that I often forget to talk about my feelings. Unfortunately, I don't have much to say. I feel happy overall, even though I'm a bit of a scheduling disaster. I really need to get my act together. Anxiety hasn't set in yet, but it probably will. Then I'll have something to say. Right now I'll go the Karen Walker route and say, "I don't have feelings."

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