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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Me Not Complaining!

January 5th, 2001 - 10:13 PM

    Today was an excellent day. I think people should discuss their excellent days, so here I go.

    I woke up and didn't want to be awake. I had a feeling of doom and dread and badness all around. Luckily, I was completely wrong in my bad karma. At school, Lisa and I were nervous all day about doing our Judaism report. (For one thing, the teacher is a priest.) When it came time to do it, I think it actually went pretty well. I especially enjoyed showing the Inquisition scene from History Of The World: Part One. Plus the teacher really liked it, which is all I really care about.

    Another good thing about today was that Scott sat next to me for the second day in a row during Sociology while we watched Sling Blade. I know he didn't move there to be with me or anything ridiculous, but I've started thinking about him again from time to time. He's so cute in that 1980s John Cusack way. I remember being a freshman and how much I loved him. I was such a stupid freshman, but it doesn't matter. I don't think I ever stopped really caring about him from afar. It's such a shame that I'm so shy. My friends keep trying to get me to go out with my love interest from Barefoot In The Park. It's kind of amusing to me. I'm not sure if they can tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

    And on another note, House Of Mirth tomorrow! Very exciting. Very cool. I'll give the whole update tomorrow. :)

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