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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Audition Speculation

October 2nd, 2000 - 6:42 PM

    I had my first audition for the fall play. She only had me read for the part of the mother. I'm 90% sure I have the role. It's very unusual for me to be so confident. I just felt good about what I did compared to what I saw other people do. There's another audition for the people who didn't come today. I wish I could sit in on that one, but oh well. Wednesday I'll find out if I get a Call Back and Thursday will be the actual Call Back. Friday morning will be when I find out if I get a part. :) Friday night is also the Moby concert, so it should be a stellar day... unless I don't get a part. ::looks at word stellar:: I never ever use words like that out loud. ::sighs:: Anyway, I have a huge paper due Friday that I'm currently working on. Zoiks! ;) I must go write about Greek philosophy...

    P.S. "Lisa" and "Scott" kinda made me angry again on Friday, but I'm fine now that the weekned has passed. I even spent a lot of time with Lisa. She's still not my favorite person in the world right now, but we're fine.

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