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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

I am utterly boring.

June 17th, 2001 - 11:28 PM

    Well, it's Father's Day. I don't know what that means, but I thought I should announce it.

    Anyway, there has been no word from my bass player. I don't know what I was expecting. I'm attracted to punk rock boys, skaters, what have you. The problem is that I'm not exactly the girl of their dreams. Somewhat smart, sarcastic, suburban. Damn. If only I could lose the pesky "sub" and just be "urban" I'd be all set.

    Let's see. What can I talk about besides my non-existant love life? ::hears American Beauty playing in the other room:: That is *such* a good movie. I just watched Blazing Saddles. I like Mel Brooks a lot, but it wasn't as completely hilarious as I expected. Nothing ever is.

    I'm taking tomorrow off from work. Maybe I'll see Bridget Jones's Diary again. I heard it's at the $1.50 theater now. So that'll be cool...

    God, my life is boring. Lisa was telling me how boring her life sounds when she writes about it. I always thought that I was pretty good at making my silly little life sound somewhat entertaining. I was wrong! I see that now! I AM SO BORING. I suck on so many levels! I am completely worthless as a diarist.

    Anyway, that's about it.

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