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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

I am happy.

February 03, 2003 - 10:39 AM

    I just finished my Intro. to Christianity class. I got a B- on my paper, which really pissed me off. Perhaps I'm a little too indignant for someone who wrote the paper the morning it was due, but I don't think so. I just talked to a classmate who got a D, and she was pretty confused as to why. The essay question was "Why is the Hebrew Bible more religious than historical?" As he went over it in class, the teacher started talking about Jesus calming the storm. Yes, the same Jesus who wasn't even in the Old Testament. On a side note, I feel bad because the classmate I just mentioned knew my name, and I don't know hers. I didn't even recognize her as someone in my class until she asked me about my grade.

    On to happier things...

    This weekend was a thousand times better than last weekend. Tess was home so she, Buffy, and I went to see the movie Chicago on Friday night. It finally came to our theater. Amazingly, I actually liked it quite a bit. After the movie, we went to Barnes and Noble. We discussed Leigh's marriage, and I felt a little cynical about the whole thing. Buffy was being very politically correct and polite, saying; �I don�t know him so I can�t judge.� I rattled off the facts for her: She�s only nineteen and has never been in a committed relationship before. He�s thirtyish and divorced, so he already has one failed marriage behind him. Leigh has never been the mature one in the group. We affectionately called her �Klepto� for years because of her stealing problem. I asked, �Can you honestly tell me that you believe these two will be celebrating their sixtieth wedding anniversary?� In my mind, this marriage has no chance of long-term survival. None at all. If I were being completely generous, I�d give it a shelf life of five years.

    Thankfully, our time at Barnes and Noble was not entirely devoted to Leigh�s marriage. Some of Tess� old friends happened to be there, and I discovered that they go to my school. One of them was a guy who I�ve seen around campus. (I had never seen the girls before, to the best of my knowledge.) He always seems so very nice. There were several times when I wanted to make fun of Tess, but I stopped myself because I didn�t want him to think I was a total bitch to my own best friend. Sometimes really nice people don�t appreciate sarcasm or teasing.

    The next night, Tess, Buffy, Sonia, and I drove to a movie theater a few towns over to see The Hours. We took Tess� car, so it was kind of like a mini-road trip. Okay, so not quite, but it was still fun. I know I�ve said some disparaging things about Buffy in the past, and maybe I was right, but she�s still fun in a very shallow way. As I�ve said before, we have really weird little things in common. In the car, we found out that we both have a soft spot for the movie My Best Friend�s Wedding. Anyway, I loved The Hours. Sonia was a little irritating during the lesbian scenes. She was noticeably disgusted by them. She said she liked the movie though, so I give her credit for that.

    You may recall that I was trying to write a poem for a contest last week. The final day to turn something in was Friday. I decided to write something Friday afternoon between classes. Because it was put together so quickly, I doubt that it will win anything. A little part of me wants it to win something anyway, no matter how sucky it is. Truthfully, I have no idea whether or not it sucks. I can never tell. I just kind of figure that most poetry is melodramatic and lame. Anyway, here�s what I turned in:

    At nineteen

    I am waiting.

    Waiting for John Cusack and his boom box

    to serenade me with a sappy love song.

    I am singing.

    Singing happily, blissfully off-key

    in my 93 Chrysler Le Baron convertible.

    I am crying.

    Crying for the lost little children that

    will never experience life.

    I am laughing.

    Laughing at late night talk shows

    and a good friend�s sarcasm.

    I am learning.

    Learning that some people still care

    about goodness and innocence.

    I am seeing.

    Seeing the world without depression,

    cynicism, and blindness.

    I am happy.

    I am happy.

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