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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Swing, Swing <3 <3 <3

February 06, 2003 - 10:39 AM

    Have you ever been really really obsessed with a song? For over a month now I have been in love with "Swing, Swing" by TheAll-American Rejects. I constantly change radio stations because I'm paranoid that it's playing somewhere else and I'm missing it. They were playing live on the radio this morning, and it broke my heart to turn them off to take my Cultural Diversity exam. They're playing at the House of Blues tonight, but I have rehearsal to go to. I love them. I love their song. I get bizarrely, ecstaticly happy when it's on the radio. I bought their CD back in December so I could listen to it any time I want, but there's still an overwhelming thrill to hear them on the radio. I think I'm just weird.

    So, speaking of play rehearsals, I've had them every night this week. Thankfully, they're going so much better than I expected. The director is happy with my Northern English accent, which is a thrill. I wasn't sure if I'd ever get it right. Last night he told us to overact the hell out of this play. While doing that, I finally found where this character needs to be in terms of volume and presence. Most of the cast were unsatisfied with last night's run-through, but I wasn't. I usually feel like everyone is somehow better than me, but I'm not feeling that this week.

    I've been toying around with the idea of exercising. I don't get nearly enough, and I'm starting to suffer from fat apathy. My diet isn't very good, but I think it's my lack of exercise that's getting to me.

    I was very upset by this. I know it's just an on-line quiz, but it was quite disheartening. I am not a liberal. Am I? This quiz thinks so.

    Where do you fall on the liberal - conservative political spectrum? (United States)

    brought to you by Quizilla

    No offense if you're a liberal, but I don't want to be called one. I don't think most liberals want to be called conservatives either. I'm pretty moderate, but I'm very attracted to the pro-life stance that most conservatives subscribe to. I admit that I'm liberal when it comes to gay rights, but that's about it. I have no problem with tax cuts, even for the wealthy. I hate the fact that the government takes so much money from people.

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