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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Important Things

November 10, 2003 - 11:48 AM

    I have to go to Environmental Science class in exactly twelve minutes, so I guess I must keep to only the most important details of my life.

    Yesterday one of the girls in the cast said that she "never wears makeup and doesn't own any." I wanted to cry for her. What kind of existence is that? Oddly enough, there was no negativity or self-pity in her words. Surely she doesn't go through like makeupless on purpose. I can only assume that she has only enough money for food and toothpaste.

    On Friday night, I finally got to see the movie Runaway Jury. Ophelia and I went to see it. I decided that, since it was only the two of us, I should take this time to get to know her better. After all, we only met six years ago. Hardly enough time to be really acquainted. I asked probing questions like, "What's your favorite song on the radio right now?" and "Your favorite color still blue?" (She likes Nickelback's "Someday" and yes, it is still blue.) I really feel like we re-connected in those ten minutes before all my attention turned to John Cusack and how amazing he is.

    The Laramie Project opens this week. We're ready, I think. Pretty ready, anyway. I know my lines. I'm still awful at one of the characters, but I think it might be too late to fix it. Oh well. Hopefully no one will notice.

    This week I had a little surge of panic about this diary. What if someone reads it? What then? I'd be ruined. It's been a few years, yes, but now I feel I have more to lose. What that is, I don't know. Maybe it's because I know more people, and I don't want them to know this stuff. All right, sure, I'd tell them almost any of this, but it'd be shocking to read it, I'm sure. I don't know what the hell I would think if I came across a friend's diary, and they talked about me using a fake name. I'd probably be more upset if they didn't talk about me, but that's only because I'm a raging egomaniac.

    Time for Environmental Science!

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