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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com


October 24, 2003 - 8:39 PM

    I'm going to go see Scary Movie 3 with Claire and Buffy at 10:00. Hopefully it will be funny, or at least not too awful. I really need to see Runaway Jury one of these days. John Cusack needs my support.

    Anyway, I should use this hour to do one of the many things I have to do:

    1.) Research proposal due Tuesday.

    2.) Learning Theory paper on classical conditioning due... uh, today. So Monday now.

    3.) Irish Literature report for Scholar's Academy. They want to see my progress, which is... nothing.

    4.) Memorizing my lines for The Laramie Project.

    5.) Clean my room because it is disgusting and sad. I have to jump over things to reach my desk.

    Also, I should paint my nails. That should actually go at the top of the list, I think. Yeah. Maybe I'll do that...

    Anyway, I've had a crazy week that involved loads of procrastination and kicking myself for laziness. Monday was Khara's birthday, so I went to Mongolian Barbecue with her and some friends. Buffy was the only one there who I hang out with on a regular basis, and she was driving me insane. What a phony. Gah, I'm turning into Daniel. He can't stand phoniness. That kid's a regular Holden Caufield. Phoniness is not even my major pet peeve. (If you're interested, it's people who can't take a joke.) Buffy can take a joke just fine. If she couldn't, she'd have told me to go to Hell a long time ago.

    I think the highlight of the night was Khara's friend Nick. Honest to God, if a person can be a good accessory, that's what he is. He's fun and likable and funny. You can dress him up or down. We watched The Bachelor together at Khara's on Wednesday. (Yes, I kind of have a thing for The Bachelor. I'm sorry.) Nick's really great, and I don't even like people.

    Okay, that's a lie. I do like some people quite a bit. For instance, I really like Cathleen. I become much funnier around her. I can always make her laugh. I love that. I was discussing this strange phenomenon with Khara a few days ago. I'm funny with some people and boring with others. Seriously, I can be so dull. I just sit there, not saying a damn thing. It's like this with Khara's roommate, Kay. My personality turns off when she enters a room. She knows it, and I know it. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do about it. On the one hand, I think she's bossy and imposing and argumentative. Plus I don't think she can take a joke. On the other hand, she is Khara's best friend. I would be uncomfortable if one of my friends really disliked my best friend. Every time I say something bad about Kay to Khara, there's a little voice screaming, "Abort! Abort! Get out of this conversation now! Stop talking, you moron!"

    I'm undecided. Maybe I'll try to make nice with her and see what happens. Maybe I won't. Maybe I'll just do my damn research project already, and stop thinking about interpersonal relationships for a few minutes.

    By the way, Gavin, the hot boy in my Irish Literature class, is still very, very sexy. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure he's dating that Irish girl. Sigh. I never really talk to him, but when he handed me my quiz booklet last week, I nearly melted when he said my name. His rendition of "Brigid" with the think Irish accent was quite beautiful. That's another thing about me. If I think a guy is wildly attractive, I will not speak to him. So if you're a guy and I talk to you, I'm not interested. Isn't that sad? I think it's sad.

    This whole entry is sad. Wow, I should really stop writing for no reason.

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