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January 08, 2003 - 5:54 PM

    I'm the interview of the day today.

    Your name/online nickname:


    Title of your journal:

    Instant Karma!

    URL of your journal:


    Your gender and age:

    female, nineteen

    Nation where you reside (other details optional):

    Illinois, USA

    A brief description of you, your interests, etc.:

    I'm a sophomore Psychology major at a private university. I'm an entertainment nut. I love music, movies, TV, books, etc. I'm totally in love with Jon Stewart, and I can't go a day without listening to something by Weezer.

    How did you decide upon your screenname and the title for your journal?

    Well, I was lucky to get my own name as a screenname. I like the simplicity of it, but I didn't want the actual title to be something like "Brigid's Journal." Instant Karma is a song by John Lennon, and I've always liked the sound of it.

    How long have you kept a journal?

    Since the fall of 2000.

    What attracted or inspired you to create your online journal?

    A bunch of my on-line friends were making journals, so I signed up for one. I wrote an opening entry in July and forgot all about it. I don't remember why, but I resurrected it in September. I've been writing in it ever since.

    How would you describe your journal?

    A bit unformatted. Sometimes I'll talk about my day. Sometimes I'll be fired up about an issue. I just write whatever is on my mind.

    Is there anything you're trying to convey or communicate to your readers...like a moral, or way of life, or a message of some sort?

    Not usually. The only time I'm really guilty of preaching is when I get talking about abortion. I'm intensely pro-life.

    How do you feel your journal has evolved over the time that you've been writing?

    I've grown up a bit. The entries as of late have been a lot less moody and depressing than they were a year ago.

    Has keeping a journal helped you out emotionally?

    I think it sometimes helps to know that someone out there is "listening" to me.

    Do you design your own layouts, or do you have help from others?

    I design my own.

    Please list up to 10 of your favorite entries, by title and date so we can link them here:

    5/18/01 High School Graduation

    6/10/01 Don't see Moulin Rouge. EVER.

    8/7/01 Celebrity

    8/9/01 BEST ENTRY EVER

    8/14/01 porch swing

    3/2/02 Unable to step outside the box

    4/18/02 Early in the mornin'

    5/22/02 Happiness is all the rage.

    What is the strangest entry you've ever done?

    I don't know if it's actually the strangest, but recently I typed out an e-mail from one of my sister's drunken friends just because it cracked me up. I don't even know the kid.

    How do you go about writing your entries? (for example, are they free-form? Do you write and then go back and edit?)

    Most of the time I start writing simply because I haven't written for a while. It's very free form. I'll start writing about what happened Wednesday and suddenly I'll remember what happened last Tuesday, so I start talking about that. I only edit when I see a glaring grammar error.

    How do you feel about your real-life loved ones, friends, co-workers, etc. finding and reading your journal?

    Oh dear God. There are many people who would come to my house and kill me if they read some of the things I've written about them. One of my friends found it, and I made her promise not to read it. I trust her, so I don't worry.

    What is one of your pet peeves about online journals?

    I hate when people use computer language or TyPe LiKe ThIs. I also hate when people hint at things, but insist they can't give any more details. Why tease the reader?

    What is one of the things you enjoy most about online journals?

    I think it's a relief to read other people's thoughts and realize, "Hey. I've thought that too! Maybe I'm not crazy after all."

    How do you feel about strong language / sexual content in journal entries?

    I keep strong language to a minimum. I won't print the "f-word" even though I'll say it out loud. As far as sexual content goes, I stay away from it. I personally couldn't care less about other people's sex lives.

    What are some of your favorite journals by others to read?

    I love Rachel's diary, but it's locked. I love all my livejournal friends.

    What is it about other journals that grab you? The name? Layout? Style? Drama?

    I'm first drawn in by the name, but I'll leave if the layout sucks. The "plot" comes last, but it's ultimately what makes me check every day for new entries.

    Do you ever feel like you need to watch what you write for your readers'' benefit, or do you just say whatever you want?

    Every now and then I'll write for my readers. I don't want to write a boring diary, even though I often feel like that's exactly what I'm doing. I try and keep it balanced. If I really want to say something, I'm going to say it. I just try to keep the readers interested along the way.

    Do you ever write when you clearly "don't feel it," simply because your readers expect an entry from you?

    Yes. You wouldn't think so, seeing as though I generally write every two days. I just don't want to go too long without updating, so there have definitely been some forced entries.

    Has reading another diary ever changed your opinion on anything?

    Nothing is coming to mind.

    If you've received negative comments on your journal, how have you reacted?

    I haven't, knock on wood.

    Does anyone influence or inspire your style of writing?

    Yes. As I look through older entries, I see the shifting influences. Helen Fielding was a big one for a while. I think Jon Stewart is an influence to some extent. I have more comedic influences than dramatic.

    Does anyone influence or inspire you in the way you choose to live your life?

    I adore Audrey Hepburn, and I aspire to be as classy, giving, and sophisticated as she was.

    Have any entries sparked a debate in your guestbook?


    Have you ever said something in your journal that you regretted later?

    There are some entries that I look at and think, "What made me think anyone would want to read this?"

    How would you choose to express yourself if you couldn't write?

    I enjoy acting, so I'd really throw myself into that.

    Name one question you'd like asked for Interviewed@d-x in future interviews:

    What does your layout look like?

    Any other comments you'd like to include that were not covered by this interview:

    I am such a dork. Thanks for interviewing me despite that.

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