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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com


January 07, 2003 - 11:38 PM

    I've recently watched several films about women who cheat on their husbands. One of them, The Good Girl with Jennifer Aniston, came out on video today, so I rented it. It confirms my latest suspicion; cheating is a bad idea. I must remember this for the sake of my hypothetical future husband.

    I'm getting a tiny bit nervous about the play I'm supposed to do in February. We've had one read through as a cast, but that's it. The director stopped by the video store last night to give me some dialect tapes. (I need to do a Northern English accent.) Our first rehearsal will be Monday, which is apparently also when school starts up. I thought I had more time. Anyway, I don't know the accent yet. I don't know my lines because it would be pointless to memorize them with an American accent and then relearn them with the English. If I had a larger role, I would be freaking out. I only have one very long monologue, and the rest is short bits of dialogue. It's a one-act play with an ensemble cast: not too difficult. Still, I should probably listen to the tapes.

    I've never really hoped that a fellow employee would get fired before, but now I do. Terri is a seventeen year old egomaniac who wants to be the best employee ever. In fact, she believes that she is the best employee. She's only worked at the video store for about six weeks. She is effortlessly rude and just about the most unpleasant person I've ever met. She's always having a bad day. I've never seen her smile. A week ago, she saw that I was reading Nick Hornby's About A Boy.

    "Why don't you just watch the movie?" Terri asked.

    "Well, the movie comes out on video on the 14th," I said. "I want to read the book before I see the movie so that I can compare the two."

    "Well, that's weird," she said, disgusted.

    "Well," I said sweetly, "I like to read."

    I'm always nauseatingly nice to her because it amuses me. Once I told her that I liked her sweatshirt, and she told me how she absolutely hated it. She had to wear it because her mother had given it to her for Christmas last year. She's tactless. None of this really bothered me much until yesterday. I found out that Terri asked for a raise, and she actually got one. She now makes more money than me. I can take the rudeness, but getting paid more an hour than me? Oh, it is on.

    You may be wondering, "Brigid, why don't you just ask for a raise? In fact, you've been working there for eight months now. Why didn't you think of this sooner?" It's simple. I work for the cheapest people in the universe. I made a lot more money when I worked for W. in her office. The video store job is just convenient. Fred, their oldest and dearest employee, makes $6.00 an hour. That's the best they can offer, which is super sad. I made more than that when I was sixteen. I thought that asking these people for a raise would be like asking my cat for help on my Statistics homework. Terri, that evil little bitch, has proven me wrong. Damn her.

    So now I'm hell-bent on exposing Terri for the grim, dismal person she really is. Fred greatly dislikes her too, so between his pull with the bosses and my knowledge of soap opera antics, Terri will be fired in no time.

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